
The hospitality industry around the world is feeling the impact of digital technologies. The traditional mode of doing business has lost its relevance in the face of growing presence of social media and mobile technologies. Hospitality companies need to re-establish their brand and provide customers a seamless brand experience across the web, social media, mobile and voice channels.
This is the age of the ‘shared economy,’ a new phenomenon that has taken the hospitality industry by storm. In the face of new competition, hotels are under pressure to develop new growth strategies. A key aspect of this strategy is to cut costs and maximize operational efficiency without compromising on the quality of customer service. Hotels also need to have better visibility and control over inventory allocation to manage rates in a more dynamic way. There’s a need to partner with experienced players who can help them achieve all this.
Saanvicorp can help you in these aspects. The world is a large place and we’d like you to experience it in all its beauty and wonder. Which is why, we keep expanding our network of resorts to offer you more than you can imagine. To create new experiences, new exploration, new moments of magic for you.